BikeTown is undergoing a radical transformation that will accommodate their many needs. Among their needs are accessibility in compliance with ADA standards, custom bike ordering, retail sales, and bike drop off and pick up. Designing a cash wrap that is spacious enough to handle the traffic flow of several people. Initial ideas include rebranding the name and logo, and incorporating a bike wheel, spokes, and a cityscape. Creating a 3D concept of this logo would be a large semi-circular-shaped counter that emulates the wheel. Then, above the counter would be the live-action logo, with the wheel parallel to the counter, laying horizontally with a 3D city skyline above. The semi-circular counter will be ‘broken,’ with access to the workshop and a convenient bike rake system for bikes being dropped off and picked up. The custom ordering station will be on the far right of the semi-circle counter. The retail space will provide a shared printer with the ordering computer/tablet along with plenty of under-counter drawers. The left side of the semi-circle counter will serve as an additional retail spot, and the far left will serve as the bike drop-off and pick-up. 


International Residence & Commercial

